Release notes - 2022-07-21


  • The new alliance flag creator was introduced. Now the alliance leaders can create the customized in-game flags in the flag-creation screen. The flag editor offers many logos and colors which allows players to generate multiple combinations.  

  • Additional confirmation popup when canceling construction or production was added. After clicking on the ‘cancel’ button, you will be able to confirm or discard your cancellation.


  • A bug was fixed that displayed wrong mobilization information for foreign armies. Now the relevant information which corresponds to the army’s real mobilization, damage and speed values is shown.

  • An issue was resolved that resulted in daily unit upkeep not being shown in the unit information screen. Now it is possible to see the exact number of resources needed for the unit upkeep.

  • A bug was fixed that caused multiple provinces to become deselected after clicking on them in the province menu.

  • A problem was solved on mobile that didn’t show the pause button to disable the buildings in the province details screen. Now the button is available and can be activated.

  • An issue was resolved that caused some fields in the nation profile screen to be untranslated in all languages other than English. Now the country information is fully translated in all in-game languages.

  • A bug was fixed that displayed the status of surviving units as ‘under attack’ for several hours even after the combat was over. Now the status is going to be changing according to the current developments.