Release Notes - 2022-04-29


  • A Province Details screen was added on desktop. The Province Details screen can be displayed by  clicking on the province name in the province bar at the bottom.
  • An  Army Details screen was added on desktop. The Army Details screen can be displayed by clicking on the army name in the army bar at the bottom.

Bug Fixes:

  • An issue was resolved that caused the Embarking time not being adjusted correctly after a province was captured. The calculation of the embarkment time is adjusted dynamically now and reflects the ownership status of a province.
  • A bug was fixed that caused an error message to be displayed when an additional location was added to the moving path of a unit.
  • A bug was fixed that  suggested that the buildings filter in the province list was active already, although it was not. When no filter is active it now shows "Sort by Building" to make it clear that currently no filter is active.