Failed Transactions

If a connection error occurs, either on your device or with the storefront's servers, during an attempted purchase, this can cause the purchase itself to fail. In situations like these, whether you are charged or not will depend on when or how the error occurred. If the contents of a package you bought don't arrive on your account within about fifteen minutes of your transaction, please do the following:

  1. Check your email. If you don't have a receipt, it is likely that you have not been charged.
  2. Check your order history. If the transaction is not visible here, then you likely have not been charged. 
  3. Check your bank account's transaction history. If the transaction does not exist there, you have not been charged. 

If, after investigating the above, you find that you have indeed not been charged for the failed transaction, you can simply repeat the purchase. If in doubt, you can contact the Customer Support department of your chosen storefront to make sure that there are no pending transactions in their records for your account. 

If, however, you do have a receipt, or a charge matching the time and price of your attempted purchase shows up in your order history or your bank statements, then please do not repeat the purchase. In these cases, please reach out to our Support department, and one of our specialists will help you fulfil the missing purchase.