The Controls

Total Supremacy is designed to be easily played from your smartphone, and so organising, managing and expanding your empire is a streamlined, simple process. 

Everything is designed to be manageable via contextual menus - so if you need to manage your army, you simply tap on your army. For construction or recruitment, you can tap on your city, and select your preferred construction or recruitment projects from there. 

All you need to remember is that everything you could want to do is just a tap away.

The Map

As an alternate version of our own world, the ingame map will look quite familiar. The map is divided into provinces, each of which has its own terrain, and so when attempting to attack or a defend a province, you should always take the time to check what kind of battlefield you'll be fighting on. Plains, mountains, forests and urban areas will present their own advantages and disadvantages, and wasteland areas cannot be entered or traversed at all. 

The Leaders

Rather than selecting a country directly, you'll be choosing from a roster of colourful characters, each with their own select advantages and disadvantages. Experiment a little, get to know each leader, and you'll find a perfect match with your playstyle. 

Finally, the Gameplay

You need resources to build your structures and recruit your troops, you need more provinces to generate more resources, and you need more buildings and armies to take those provinces. This will be central to everything you do, and will underpin all of your strategies. Observe your enemy, counter their troop formations, and bolster your defences.