Common Questions
Why can't I identify an enemy?
So, you're in visual range. Your infantry is brawling in the streets against your opponent, and yet you just can't seem to identify what it ...
I traded resources and didn't receive anything!
The Resource Market is a vital and highly useful way to fix your supply lines and economy in a hurry - which can make it extra frustrating i...
How do I report a player?
One of our top priorities is to maintain a fun, competitive and overall, safe environment for our players, and so we take reports of abusive...
Why didn't my combat statistics update?
We know how important combat records and statistics are to our players, and so we understand the frustration that can arise when your profil...
I accidentally spent Goldmark - how do I avoid this?
While, unfortunately, we're unable to directly return spent Goldmark, we do understand the frustration of tapping in the wrong place, or mis...
Why was I banned from a map?
Violations of our Terms of Service - such as multiaccounting and account pushing - can result in immediate removal from a game round. While ...
I won a game round, but it didn't end or grant rewards.
Winning a game can be an immensely satisfying experience, and we understand that it'd be very frustrating if the round didn't seem to end, o...
How do I play with friends?
In order to play with your friends, all you need to do is join a match, find the game ID (it's the string of numbers that you can see on the...
Why did my province go to another player?
There are four ways that a province might change hands. Two of them are fairly clear from the start, but the other two can take you by surpr...
I used Goldmark to speed something up, but nothing happened.
When you use Goldmark to speed up a construction, the production of a unit or a research project, it's very important to keep in mind that i...
How do I change the language?
In order to change the language of your app, all you need to do is head to the Account Settings menu, then tap on Language & Privacy. He...
Making Peace with the AI
Diplomacy with AI nations is, unfortunately, very difficult. The AI will only become hostile after they have decided that you are enough of ...
How do I change country?
Once you've started a game, you cannot change your chosen or assigned country. If you'd like to try a different nation, you can join a new g...
How do I get my army to cross the sea?
This is simpler than it sounds. Simply issue a move order either across a body of water, or into the water itself, and your troops will take...
What is Forced March?
Sometimes you need to respond quickly to take advantage of a gap in the enemy's defence, or rush to defend your own exposed territories, and...
What do the Diplomatic Relations mean?
Diplomatic Relations provide a clear indicator of your current relationship with another nation, although what these specifically mean can b...
How do I heal my units?
Fighting a war can be exhausting, and your units will come away from each battle with less and less health. Naturally, this can't go on fore...