
  • Improved profile picture change process: the option to change the avatar is now prominently visible. Confirmation prompts have been enhanced to ensure visibility, regardless of the color of the uploaded picture.
  • Increased the draw limit for armies to reduce occurrences where armies are not properly displayed on big maps.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where incorrect particle effects were displayed during naval combat. Now, when GPU settings are set to Medium-High and naval combat occurs, the correct water splash effects are triggered instead of the land bombardment effects.
  • Addressed an issue where text formatting was incorrect in Newspaper articles written in more than one line. Text will now be properly formatted in separate lines/sentences as expected.
  • Fixed a bug that caused provinces to lose their garrison value when the stationed army went from an idle to an active state, e.g. when attacking hostile armies. Now uprising calculations consider all units stationed in the province, regardless of their current state, as a garrison.