What kind of game is Iron Order 1919?

Iron Order 1919 is a long-term strategy game. This means your strategy must be planned days or even weeks in advance, and troop movements can take hours to complete.
Planning, patience and practice are the keys to victory.

What are the controls?

If you're playing on your smartphone, all you need to do is tap on the unit or province you wish to give orders to. This will present you with a menu displaying details about the unit or province, as well as a series of commands that you can issue. If you're playing via PC or Mac, you can simply use your mouse to click and drag. Here are some simple manoeuvres that you can perform with your troops:

Moving: The simplest and most essential command you could ask for. Simply tap on your army, then tap on 'Move.' Now, tap on their destination. If there is an enemy army present at their destination, they will automatically enter combat when the enemy is within range.

Attacking: In close second is the Attack command. This is most useful for ranged units, such as artillery or dreadnoughts, and will order your unit to move close enough to fire with its ranged weaponry.

Merging: If you would like to form a larger army out of smaller units, simply instruct the separate units to march to the same place. Upon encountering another of your armies, they will merge into a larger force.

Forced March: If you need to get your troops somewhere in a hurry, the Forced March command will increase their movement speed by 50%, at the cost of attrition damage. This is excellent for rushing to defend territory, but overuse may do more harm than good.

Embarking: When your target is overseas, simply order your troops to Move there and they'll automatically Embark on commandeered troopships, and travel to their destination.

What about healing?

Your units will slowly heal over time while stationed in friendly territory, while your ships and submarines will regenerate their health while at sea.
If you need some reinforcements quickly, you can also use Gold to instantly restore a portion of your army's health.

There are a lot of different units, how do I know which ones are best?

Now let's be clear - there are many different ways to play, and no particular playstyle would be considered the best. Depending on your starting position, and how you like to play, you'll find all of the available units come with their own advantages, and can be a gamechanger when used correctly. Of course, this will take a little experimentation, so allow me to get you started with a brief summary of what kinds of units you can use ingame.

Conquer: These units, primarily infantry, fight well defensively and are the only units that can take territory. Ranging from the tough and cheap militia, to the versatile and speedy motorised infantry, to the specialised commandos, Conquer units will form the backbone of your army in most of your battles.

Combat: The sword to your shield, Combat units hit hard and can take a real beating. While they cannot take territory themselves, they specialise in clearing defenders from enemy territory and clearing a path for your infantry. You can expect to see everything from the fast moving light tank, to the sturdy and reliable medium mech, to the legendary Titan in this category.

Support: In theory, you can win a war with only Conquer and Combat units, but if you want to win it well, you're going to need some Support. While these units don't fare too well in direct combat, they each have unique advantages that will give you an edge. Artillery will serve as your first ranged combat unit, allowing you to fire on enemies without taking damage in return, which is perfect for softening up a defensive position, while anti-mech guns are specialists in taking down armoured units. Learn to master your Support units, and you'll master the battlefield.

Aircraft: Fast, but fragile, aircraft can give your army incomparable versatility, allowing you to respond to threats much faster than anything on land. Your bombers can pulverise enemy defensive positions, while your interceptors will keep enemy bombers from doing the same to you, and the flying fortress is, well, exactly that. Just make sure your aircraft don't get caught on the ground.

Naval: For many empires, ruling the waves will be as vital as controlling the land. In this category, you will find the dreadnought, a long-range warship that can form a solid core for your Navy, as well as destroyers to help counter enemy submarines and aircraft. With a little research and investment, you can also field the versatile and unpredictable Leviathan, and the imposing Carrier.

What about resources?

Resources are generated by certain rural provinces, and always in cities. You can see which resources are generated by looking at the little icon beside the province centre. Use your resource demands to plan your invasions, and ensure that you build industry in your cities, and you'll have all of the resources you need to run your campaign.

So how do I win?

Well this is simple. All you need to do is take over the world. Taking and holding territory will earn you Victory Points, and surpassing the victory threshold shown in the Newspaper will cause the game to end at the change of day, with you as the victor.