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Added missing features, fixed errors and improved gameplay on multiple maps
World at War - 4x speed
Added rivers
Added biomes
Dawn of the Patriot
Connected the Great Lakes
Extended the St. Lawrence River to Montreal
Cleaned up some province connections
Team Up
Improved the resource distribution
Added an option for players on mobile devices to verify their email address directly from the chatbox.
Additionally, now email verification is needed to access the chat.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused patrol damage to not be correctly applied to province morale. The issue occurred when the province center was covered by the patrol circle, but outside the direct attack range of the attacking airplane. Now province morale damage is correctly applied whenever the patrol circle covers the province center.
Fixed a bug that caused patrolling planes to wrongly deal defensive damage twice to attacking planes. The issue occurred when an attacking plane directly attacked a ground target. If the defending patrolling plane was within the splash damage radius, it deal defensive damage for both the attack and the splash damage. Now, defensive damage is correctly only returned once for each attack, regardless of splash damage.
Resolved a visual issue that indicated that Anti-Air units would attack ground targets from range. Now the visual feedback correctly shows that the AA unit moves into melee combat to attack ground targets.
Corrected an issue where the production speed up for Barracks cost more than for other buildings.
Corrected a bug that caused the patrol circle of planes to randomly jump after server updates. This forced planes to land at their airstrip before being able to receive new move commands when the patrol circle was moved to outside the flight cone. Now patrol circles are consistent between server reloads, eliminating the issue.
Fixed a bug that caused Area of Effect damage, such as Nuclear Fallout, to not be properly applied when it covered multiple provinces. It now correctly applies damage to all provinces when the province center is covered.