Release Notes - 2023-03-07
- With the last update we added a new function to the Stop button that allowed players to cancel Convert and Upgrade orders. You provided us with feedback that you are not happy about the introduced behaviour that the feature prevents giving commands once Upgrade/Convert were started. Especially with some edge cases. We therefore decided to revert this change.
- This means that it is possible again to give commands without cancelling the Convert or Upgrading process. These commands will then be executed once the process is completed.
- Clicking or tapping STOP while both processes and actions are issued will cancel both.
Bug Fixes
- A bug was fixed that caused provinces to take extra morale damage from non-ranged units that don’t actively participate in combat. Provinces only take morale damage from ranged units attacking them.
- An issue was resolved that could cause planes to land on another player's airfield, if the owner of the airfield granted Right of Way to an enemy, without the owner of the plane having a say in the matter. Planes now cannot land on airports anymore when one of the parties declared war.
- A bug was fixed that prevented feedback to be given when a player tried to accept a trade while either of the players did not have enough resources for the trade, giving players the impression the "accept" button was not working. A popup now informs players should resources be missing.
- An issue was resolved that caused the trend arrows (upwards/downwards) in the alliance ranking to be reversed: When an alliance dropped in rank, the upwards arrow was displayed and vice versa. The trend arrows are displayed correctly now.
- A bug was fixed that caused the screen to get blurry when a popup was displayed when another panel was active (e.g. when picking a country on a new map).
- An issue was resolved that could cause players to be flagged as inactive right before the game ends. As a result these players would not receive any reward. Since they were marked as active just moments earlier they also don't know that it will become an issue. To avoid this problem Victory checks run before the Day change checks now.
- A bug was fixed that prevented the chosen minimum rank requirement to be considered when a player created a private game. Instead the default minimum requirement was set for the game. Private games are now correctly set up with the minimum rank as chosen by the player creating it.
- An issue was resolved that caused a lake to be displayed instead of the province of Hayfork in the USA on the 1939 Historical World War map.
- A bug on mobile was fixed that prevented sorting options for the province list from being displayed. The province list on mobile devices now has the same sorting options as on desktop.
- A bug was fixed that caused incorrect damage values for Rockets as Convoy trucks to be displayed in the army bar, army info and unit info.
- Several issues were resolved that prevented the search function in games to work correctly
- When searching something using any other alphabet than the English one (e.g. Cyrillic) does not provide incorrect search results anymore.
- It is now possible to search for the full name of an army, not just the short name.
- A bug was fixed that prevented the inventory system to be displayed for testers that are Frontline Pioneers (beta users)