Heroes are powerful units that come with special abilities, which range from deploying with extra units to buffing particular unit types, or even the entire army. 

They can be unlocked by collecting Hero Medals, which can be acquired directly from the Shop, or by completing Operations, which can then be used to upgrade them after they've been unlocked. All Heroes, once unlocked, begin at Level 1, and the amount of Medals required to promote them will increase with each successive upgrade. 

To use them, simply deploy them from the Hero Panel. They can be deployed anywhere in your territory, provided that your chosen province meets the morale requirement, and the game has progressed to the required day. Once deployed, they will need some time to mobilise, during which they will not be able to move or attack. They will, however, defend themselves if attacked.

When defeated, Heroes are not permanently destroyed. After a cooldown period, which will vary depending on Hero and level, they can be revived and redeployed. 

Please keep in mind that the current stats and abilities are subject to change, as we account for game balance with this new feature. Keep an eye on our news releases for information on such changes in future.