
  • Gave a complete rework to the map graphics
    • All terrains now have realistic biomes, representative of the environment and climate
    • Reworked the color palette of the nations view map filter, to feature more saturated colours that are easy to distinguish
    • Added a new map filter that displays an icon for the terrain type of provinces
    • Reverted an earlier change and made the relations view the default map filter again
  • Disabled the ability to upload custom country flags, leader names and titles. This was previously only available on desktop devices.


  • Made all Anti Air units ranged
    • All enemy planes attacking friendly targets within the range take defensive damage from the AA
    • Additionally, the AA checks for targets in set intervals, and deals attack damage to any hostile units in range.
      • Anti Air
        • Now has a range of 40
        • HP reduced
        • Lvl 1: 15 → 12
        • Lvl 2: 20 → 17
        • Lvl 3: 30 → 22
        • Lvl 4: 40 → 27
        • Lvl 5: 50 → 32
        • Lvl 6: 65 → 50
      • SP Anti Air
        • Now has a range of 30
        • HP reduced
        • Lvl 1: 30 → 22
        • Lvl 2: 40 → 27
        • Lvl 3: 50 → 32
        • Lvl 4: 65 → 42
        • Lvl 5: 80 → 65
  • Adjusted the costs of Light and Medium Tanks
    • Slightly shifted the metal costs to oil costs
  • Fixed research costs that weren’t updated during the Resources Reforged update
  • Local Port Building time reduced
    • Lvl 1: 3h → 1h 
    • Lvl 2: 6h → 2h 
    • Lvl 3: 9h → 3h
  • Updated Local Port Embarkment/Disembarkment time bonus
    • Lvl 1: -17% → -25%
    • Lvl 2: -33% → -50%
    • Lvl 3: -50% → -50%